Surface Tension Experiment Viva Questions and Answers 2023

Hello friends welcome to our blog Are you searching for”Surface Tension Practical Viva Questions with Answers” Then, you are in the right place, scroll down to view a list of all Viva Questions based on Surface Tension Experiment. We have concluded a list of viva questions based on Surface Tension asking in examination and practical lab.

1. What do you mean by surface tension?

Surface tension is the force acting per unit length perpendicular to the line drawn on the surface of the liquid.

2. What is aim of Surface Tension Experiment?

To determine the surface tension and the angle of contact of mercury with glass by Quincke’s method.

3. What is unit of surface tension?

SI unit – N/m  

C.G.S. unit – dyne/cm 

4. What is the density of mercury?

1.36×10^4 kg/M3

5. Name of the apparatus used in Surface Tension Experiment?

Glass plate with three leveling screws, mercury, travelling microscope, spirit level, spherometer and lamp stand.

6. What is the angle of contact of Mercury?

Ideal value of angle of contact is 135°

7. What is responsible for surface tension?

Cohesive forces among liquid molecules is responsible for surface tension.

8. Difference between Adhesive and Cohesive force.

  • Adhesive force – It is the force between different substance.
  • Cohesive force – It is the force between same substance.

9. What is Angle of contact?

Angle between solid surface and tangent to free surface of liquid.

10. Why is Mercury used in thermometer?

  • Doesn’t sticks to glass
  • High boiling point
  • Hight coefficient of expansion.