Lee’s method Experiment Viva Questions and Answers 2023

Hello guys welcome to our blog Experimenteraweb.in Are you searching for “Lee’s method Practical Viva Questions with Answers” Then, you are in the right place, scroll down to view a list of all Viva Questions based on Lee’s method Experiment. We have concluded a list of viva questions based on Lee’s method asking in examination and practical lab.

1. What is Thermal Conductivity?

The rate of heat conduction through a material of unit thickness and unit cross-section area for each Kelvin of temperature difference.

2. What are the units of Thermal Conductivity?

SI unit is – Joule/second meter Kelvin.

3. Does the value of thermal conductivity depend on the dimension of the specimen?

No, it depends on the material of the specimen.

4. Is there any reason to take the specimen in the form of a disc in Lee’s experiment?

A thin disc is taken because it’s area of cross-section is large, while thickness is small. It increases the quantity of heat conducted across its faces.

5. What is the largest source of error in this experiment?

The largest source of error lies in the measurement of rate of cooling.