JFET Experiment Circuit Diagram, Procedure, Observations & Calculations, Result, Viva 2023

Aim :

To study the characteristics of a field-effect transistor (FET) and its use as a voltage-variable resistance (VVR).

Apparatus :

n- channel FET, two dc power supplies, milliametres, resistance, voltmeters, connecting wires.

Study of JFET characteristics - Experiment


Formula :

Study of JFET characteristics - Experiment


Circuit Diagram :

Study of JFET characteristics - Experiment


Procedure :

Credit – Sadhish Prabhu

  1. Connect the circuit for obtaining the drain curves (ID – VDS characteristics) as shown in figure.
  2. Keep VGS = 0V. Vary VDS from 0 to 10 V in suitable steps and note corresponding values of ID. In order to get ohmic region characteristics VDS can be varied as 0.0V, 0.2V, 0.4V, 0.6V, 0.8V, 1.0V, 2.0V, 3.0V, ……….10V.
  3. Repeat the above procedure keeping VGS = -0.5V, -1.0V and -1.5V.
  4. Plot ID against VDS (drain curve). Show the ohmic and active regions of the characteristics curves.
  5. Determine the pinch-off voltage (VP) from the graph (for VGS = 0V).
  6. Obtain the values of RDS of JFET operation in the ohmic region. Tabulate the values of RDS against VGS. Comment on the result.
  7. Now, connect the circuit for transconductance curve (ID – VGS characteristics). Keep VDS = 10V. Observe IDSS, when VGS = 0V. Vary VGS from 0V downwards through the negative values till ID tends to zero.
  8. Plot ID against VGS (transconductance curve). Note down VGS(OFF) from the graph. 
  9. Calculate gmo from the graph using the mirror when IDSS=0. 
  10. Calculate VP from the formula. Compare the values of VP obtained from drain characteristics and from calculation.

Observation :

Viva Question and Answers [FAQ] :

1. What is JFET?

Ans : Junction Field Effect Transistor

2. What is aim of this Experiment?

Ans : Study the characteristics of a field-effect transistor (FET) and its use as a voltage-variable resistance (VVR).

3. What is apparatus for this experiment?

Ans : n- channel FET, two dc power supplies, milliametres, resistance, voltmeters, connecting wires.

4. Write formula for drain current?

Ans : Check formula below the apparatus section of this post.

5. What is nature of graph for drain curve?

Ans : Voltage verses Current.