Hall Effect Experiment Viva Question and Answers 2023

Hello guys welcome to our blog Experiment era web. Are you searching for “Hall Effect Experiment Viva Questions with Answers” Then, you are in the right place, scroll down to view a list of all Viva Questions based on Hall Effect. We have concluded a list of viva questions based on Hall Effect asking in examination and practical lab.

1. Who introduced the concept of hall effect?

The Hall effect was discovered in 1879 by Edwin Hall while he was working on his doctoral degree at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

2. What is hall effect?

Hall effect is defined as “when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field which is mutually perpendicular to the direction of current,then a potential difference is produced at the right angle sides to both the magnetic and electric field.”

3. What is hall coeffecient?

Hall coefficient is defined as “The ratio of the induced electric field to the product of the current density and the applied magnetic field.”

4. What is hall voltage?

The voltage produced during the process is known as hall voltage.

5. What is the significance of hall co effecient?

Hall volt a direct measure of the mobility of the carriers involved, and that its sign or polarity will change if the sign of the charges flowing changes. It is customary to define a hall coeffecient for a given material.

6. What happens to the hall coeffecient with the increase of no.of charge carriers?

Coeffecient is inversely proportional to the no.of.charge carriers per unit volume. So as per the above condition with the increase in number of charge carriers per unit volume hall coeffecient will decrease.

7. In semiconductors which has greater mobility?

In Semiconductors electron has greater mobility than holes.

8. What is the hall angle?

It is the angle made with the x direction by the drift velocity of charge carriers is known as hall angle.

9. Why is hall potential developed?

When a current carrying conductor is placed in a transverse magnetic field the magnetic field exerts a deflection force (lorentz force) in the direction perpendicular to both magnetic field and drift velocity this causes changes to shift from one surface to another thus creating a potential difference.

10. Define Hall Effect?

If a metal or a semiconductor carrying a current I is placed in a transverse magnetic field B, then a potential difference is produced in the direction normal to both the current and magnetic field. This phenomenon is called Hall Effect.

11. Define Hall Voltage?

The corresponding potential difference generated is called Hall Voltage.

12. What is Hall Field?

The electric field generated is called the Hall field.

13. Define Hall Coefficient?

It is numerically equal to Hall electric field (E) induced in the specimen by unit current density (j) when it is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field (B).

14. What happens to the hall coefficient when of charge carries are decreased?

Hall coefficient increases with decrease in number of charge carriers per unit volume. This is because the Hall coefficient is inversely proportional to the charge carrier density.

15. What are the the application of Hall Effect?

It is used to verify wheather a substance is a semiconductor, conductor or insulator. This experiment can be used to measure magnetic field strength.

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