Hall Effect Experiment Procedure, Observations & Calculations, Result, Viva 2023

Aim :

In this experiment we learn procedure of Hall effect and determine Hall coefficient.

Apparatus :

Electromagnet, power supply, constant current source , current meter, DMM, Hall probe.

Hall Effect - Experiment


Procedure :

Video Credit – Physics with Prince khapra


  • Connect the electromagnet to the magnet terminal of the ‘Hall kit’. Connect the hall probe in to the socket provided on the panel. Keep the magnet control and probe control in maximum anticlockwise position. Select the gap between the pole pieces is equal to 10mm. Switch on the instrument.
  • With current selector swich in MAGNET position, set the magnetic current Im = 100mA. Now keep current selector swich in PROBE position.
  • Using zero control nulify of the offset voltage of the probe. Now insert the probe between pole pieces of the magnet. Screw it so that the plane of the probe is parallel to the face of the pole pieces and right angles to the direction of magnetic field.
  • Set the hall current IH to various value between 40mA to 100mA and note down the value of hall voltage VH for these value.This voltage to be measured by setting the magnetic current and Hall current in the forward and reverse direction.
  • Plot a graph of VH against IH and hence calculate RH.
  • Keep current selector switch in PROBE position. Set the current IH to a suitable value between 40mA to 100mA. Now switch it to magnet position. Note down value of Hall voltage for various settings of the magnetic field by varying magnetic current Im to 100mA, 200mA, 300mA, 400mA, 500mA.
  • Find B using calibration chart. Hall voltage is to be measured by setting the magnetic current and the Hall current in forward reverse position.
  • Plot VH against B and calculate RH.

Observation :


Viva Question and Answers [FAQ] :

1. What is Hall Effect? 

Ans : If a metal or a semiconductor carrying a current I is placed in a transverse magnetic field B, then a potential difference is produced in the direction normal to both the current and magnetic field. This phenomenon is called Hall Effect.

2. What is Hall Voltage? 

Ans : The corresponding potential difference generated is called Hall Voltage.

3. What is Hall Field? 

Ans : The electric field generated is called the Hall field.

4. What is Hall Coefficient? 

Ans : It is numerically equal to Hall electric field (E) induced in the specimen by unit current density (j) when it is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field (B).

5. What happens to the hall coefficient when of charge carries are decreased?

Ans : Hall coefficient increases with decrease in number of charge carriers per unit volume. This is because the Hall coefficient is inversely proportional to the charge carrier density.

6. What are the the application of Hall Effect? 

Ans : It is used to verify wheather a substance is a semiconductor, conductor or insulator. This experiment can be used to measure magnetic field strength.

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