Application of Op-Amp as a log Amplifier Experiment 2023

 Aim :

To study the transfer characteristics of a logarithmic amplifier.

Apparatus :

IC 741, dual power supply, resistance, potentiometer, DMM, connecting wires, etc.

Application of Op-Amp as a log Amplifier


Circuit Diagram :

Application of Op-Amp as a log Amplifier


Procedure :

Credit – Anikesh Mani

  1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.
  2. Switch on the dual power supply. Vary the input voltage Vi from 10mV to 10V in suitable steps and note down the output voltage Vo.
  3. Plot a graph of Vo against lnVi.

Observation :

Viva Question and Answers [FAQ] :

1. What is Amplifier?

Ans : An amplifier is an electronic device that increases the voltage, current, or power of a signal.

2. Which IC use in this experiment?

Ans : IC 741.

3. What is aim of this experiment?

Ans :  To study the transfer characteristics of a logarithmic amplifier